Boulder Incident Management Team (IMT)
The Boulder IMT is a partnership of professionals, trained and qualified in incident management. The team provides an organizational structure and competent management staff to support large-scale emergency responses in the City of Boulder and Boulder County. Founded in 2010, the team has responded to the Fourmile and Dome fires in 2010, the September 2013 Floods, the Cold Springs Fire in 2016, Sunshine Fire in 2017, and several smaller incidents through the years. With each activation the team refines its processes, builds relationships with its stakeholders and continues to increase capacity.
For more information about the Boulder IMT, visit Boulder IMT.
Local First Response Agencies
Boulder ODM coordinates with many first responder agencies based on command, function, jurisdictional authority and mutual-aid agreements. These partners include:
Law Enforcement Agencies: Boulder County Sheriff’s Office, Boulder Police Department, Erie Police Department, Lafayette Police Department, Louisville Police Department, Nederland Police Department, Ward Marshall.
Fire/EMS/Search and Rescue Agencies: Allenspark Fire, American Medical Response (AMR), Big Elk, Meadows Fire, Boulder County Sheriff’s Office Fire Management, Boulder Emergency Squad, Boulder Fire Department, Boulder Mountain Fire, Boulder Rural Fire, Coal Creek Fire, Four Mile Fire, Front Range Rescue Dogs, Gold Hill Fire, Hygiene Fire, Indian Peaks Fire, Jamestown Fire, Lafayette Fire, Lefthand Fire, Longmont Emergency Unit, Louisville Fire, Lyons Fire, Mountain View Fire, Nederland Fire, Pinewood Springs Fire, Rocky Mountain Fire, Rocky Mountain Rescue Group, Sugarloaf Fire, Sunshine Fire, Timberline Fire

Boulder County Amateur Radio Emergency Services (BCARES)
BCARES is a volunteer organization of licensed Amateur Radio enthusiasts formed for the expressed purpose of providing communication and public service pertaining to the protection of life and/or property, in support of local, state, and federal agencies who may need supplemental communication in times of natural or man-made events.
Please visit their website for more information:

Peak to Peak Housing and Human Services Alliance
The Peak to Peak Housing and Human Services Alliance is a gathering of representatives of human services organizations serving the Peak to Peak area of the Colorado Rocky Mountains, coming together to identify needs, expand and enhance services to the residents of the Peak to Peak community, and promote inter-agency communication.
Please visit their website for more information:

Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC)
The Boulder County LEPC works with the community to identify industrial hazardous materials and keep the community informed of the potential risk. All companies that have certain types and quantities of hazardous chemicals must report annually to the LEPC. If the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires your company to keep a Safety Data Sheet (SDS, formerly Material Safety Data Sheet, or MSDS) on file for any chemicals stored or used in the workplace, and the chemical(s) is stored in quantities equal to or greatest than the Threshold Planning Quantity (TPQ) for that chemical, then you must report it. The public is encouraged to participate in the process.
For more information about the Boulder County LEPC, contact the Boulder Office of Disaster Management at (303) 441-3390

National Weather Service (NWS) Boulder Forecast Office
Boulder ODM has partnered and collaborated with the NWS Boulder Forecast Office for years in order to be better prepared to respond to severe weather in our area. The City of Boulder and Boulder County are both StormReady® communities, a program that focused on communication and safety skills needed to save lives and property before, during and after an event.
For updated weather information, please visit:

Boulder County Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD)
The Boulder County VOAD (BoCoVOAD) is to unite the efforts of community, government, faith based organizations, businesses and non-profit organizations to provide collaborative support, holistic response, and effective relief to people affected by disaster in Boulder County and surrounding communities. The Boulder County VOAD strives to connect community and business leaders, government representatives, and voluntary organizations in planning and preparedness before disaster events occur.
Please visit their website for more information:

Wildfire Partners
The Boulder Office of Emergency Management supports the Wildfire Partners program that supports Boulder County homeowners living in the wildland urban interface with wildfire mitigation resources.

City of Boulder Wildfire Home Assessment
Boulder Fire-Rescue (BFR) is rolling out a new Wildfire Home Assessment Project that aims to conduct an assessment of each home within the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) boundary of the City of Boulder. The initial curbside assessment will be conducted by uniformed BFR personnel during business hours from the viewpoint of the street, sidewalk or public property, and will not access private property. The curbside assessments are designed to capture a general impression of how well each home is prepared for a wildfire event. Learn more about the Wildfire Home Assessment Project