Stage 1 fire restrictions, enacted for unincorporated areas of western Boulder County.


preparedness: measures taken to prepare for and reduce the effects of disasters

Disasters and emergencies can affect anyone at any time. It is important that every individual, family, business and organization are prepared to be self-sustaining should an emergency occur. This includes being prepared in your home, workplace and everywhere in between. Immediately after an emergency, essential services may be unavailable and local disaster relief and first responders may not be able to reach you. It is important that every individual, family, business and organization are prepared to be self-sustaining for the first 72-hours following an emergency.

Preparedness Training

Know Your Hazards

Boulder County and the incorporated cities within are susceptible to a wide-range of hazards, both natural and man-made.

Personal Risk Assessment

A personal risk assessment can help you to focus your efforts as you plan for disaster preparedness. Know what hazards could affect your area and complete a personal risk assessment to support your planning efforts.

Create a Plan

Learn about the hazards and risks in your area, talk to members of your household about what to do in different scenarios.

Grab List

Learn about items to consider, and create your grab list of important items to take with you during disasters.

Access & Functional Needs

Read more for tips and resources for those with access and functional needs.

Pets and Animals

Learn about how to prepare your pets or livestock for times of disaster.

Emergency Kits

An emergency kit can be one of the items on that list that you put together ahead of time.


Read more for tips and things to consider for how you’ll create your plans for evacuating.


Read more for tips and things to consider for how you’ll create your plans for sheltering-in-place.


Disaster mitigation measures are those that eliminate risks of hazards through proactive measures.


Take these steps to be insurance prepared, insurance coverage and resources.

Resource Library

Access all info sheets, worksheets, graphics, videos, and other helpful resources here.