The Boulder Disaster Call Center is closed due to decreased call volume and we do not anticipate that it will re-open. Please visit the website for the most current information. For more information, including maps, please visit:
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Returning home after a wildfire? Here are some recommendations to ensure safe cleanup of ash: Wear Protection: Wear a tight-fitting disposable respirator (N95 or P100). Also, wear gloves, goggles, long sleeves, long pants, shoes, and socks. Dispose of Ash Safely: Direct ash-filled water to ground areas, away from storm drains.... read more →
Additional evacuations have been lifted for the Stone Canyon Fire. Please go to the Information Map to see the most current map with evacuation areas and road closures. North 55th Street is open to traffic through Dakota Ridge Road and Redstone Drive. Traffic will not be allowed to travel... read more →
This will be the final update about the firefighting response for the Lake Shore Fire. We will, however, continue to share post-fire information such as: cleaning up after a fire, air quality, insurance, etc. The fire is 100% contained. All evacuations have been lifted. All roads are open. You may... read more →
When returning to your property after a fire, take these steps to ensure your water and wastewater systems are safe to use. If your drinking water comes from a well: * Have your well water analyzed to ensure it is not contaminated; power outages can cause pressure loss that allows... read more →
Fire retardant (red slurry) was dropped on the Stone Canyon and Lake Shore fires. The retardant contains ammonia and can burn if it gets cuts or scratches or comes into contact with cracked or sunburned skin. Here are some safety tips if you come into contact with the retardant: *... read more →
After a wildfire, food can be affected by heat, smoke, chemicals and power outages. Tips for staying safe: * If it smells bad, don’t eat it. * Keep food cold. Throw out anything over 41°F for more than 4 hours. * Toss open food exposed to smoke or ash. For... read more →
The Call Center is open to assist with answering questions about the Stone Canyon or Lake Shore fires. Please only call 911 if you have an emergency. The phone number is 303-413-7730. For more information, including maps, please visit:
The estimated fire size is 1,553 acres. The containment remains at 30%. Firefighters are keeping a close eye on incoming thunderstorms, which may also bring wind. No air support is anticipated today as that is assigned to fires that have active growth. The number of impacted structures remains at 5.... read more →
Firefighter response and incident command continues through the night for the Stone Canyon Fire, and incident command is monitoring the Lake Shore Fire. The Stone Canyon Fire is at 1,553 acres with 30% containment along the east and southeast corner. The Lake Shore Fire is at 7 acres is now... read more →