Amended fire restrictions: Stage 1 fire restrictions in western Boulder County. Fire restrictions rescinded in eastern Boulder County.

Emergency Kits

A grab list consists of items you’ll want to take with you – and an emergency kit can be one of the items on that list that you put together ahead of time. Below are examples of items that you can put together as part of different types of emergency kits.

Basic Emergency Kit

  • Non-perishable food items
  • First aid kit
  • Water (1 gallon per person per day)
  • Battery powered radio
  • NOAA weather radio
  • Sleeping bags and blankets
  • Manual can opener
  • Waterproof matches
  • Non-perishable foods
  • Flashlight
  • Utility knife/tool
  • Essential medications
  • Extra clothing
  • Pen and paper
  • Cash
  • Important addresses and phone numbers
  • Work gloves
  • Basic tools
  • Sanitation supplies (toiletry & hygiene)

Vehicle Emergency Kit

  • Maintain at least 1/2 tank of gas
  • First aid kit and manual
  • Class ABC fire extinguisher
  • Radio and batteries
  • Non-perishable food
  • Bottled water
  • Bag of sand, shovel & tools
  • Blankets or sleeping bags
  • Map
  • Moistened wipes
  • Plastic bags
  • Flashlights & extra batteries
  • Reflectors and flares
  • Jumper cables
  • Short rubber hose for siphoning

Animal Emergency Kit

  • Leash and Collar/Harness
  • Crate
  • Food
  • Water
  • Proof of ownership
  • Clear photo of animal
  • Medical records
  • Veterinarian contact information