Amended fire restrictions: Stage 1 fire restrictions in western Boulder County. Fire restrictions rescinded in eastern Boulder County.


Insurance Basics

  • Insurance policy documentTake these steps to be insurance prepared:
  • Create a home or business inventory – take a video or photos of your entire home/property/belongings.
  • Review your insurance policy annually to ensure it meets your needs.
  • Keep important records (policy numbers, documents, etc.) in a safe place.
  • Keep good records of any renovations or high-valued purchases and communicate them to your insurance provider.
  • Explore what discounts providers offer for completing mitigation or meeting other qualifications.
  • Consider additional insurance you may need. Most policies do not cover flooding or damages caused by sump pump failure or water back up.
  • For business owners – evaluate your needs and consider purchasing business/commercial insurance for your business property and employees.

Special Considerations

Flood Insurance

  • Needed for: Those who live in a flood plain, or who want insurance for flooding. Most policies do not cover flood – check with your provider for details.
  • Flood insurance is available through the National Flood Insurance Program (NIFP) for those who live in designated flood risk areas. Learn more at
  • If you don’t live in a NIFP designated community but want to have coverage for flooding you can purchase directly from a provider.

Sump Pump Insurance

  • Needed for: Covering costs caused by sewer or drain backups that can be caused by heavy rainfall, or power outages that can cause sump pump failure.
  • Talk with a provider about adding this type of policy to your coverage.

Extra Coverage

  • Needed for: Covering specialty items like jewelry, instruments, antiques, etc.

Questions to Ask Your Provider

  • Does my policy cover a full loss? If not, what kind of extended coverage is available?
  • Will this policy cover the cost of rebuild (including debris removal and re-building to current standards)?
  • What discounts do you offer, and how can I qualify?
  • Are there limits or exclusions for any items? If so, what additional coverage can I consider?


Disaster Ready Insurance Information

For more information on being disaster ready with your homeowners/renters insurance or small business insurance visit

For information on flood insurance and to enroll in the National Flood Insurance Program visit

Dropped from Insurance?

If you feel you’ve been dropped unfairly from your insurance contact the Colorado Division of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) to file a complaint.
Start shopping for new coverage immediately to give yourself time to find a policy that meets your needs.

FEMA Resources