#RogersFire The following roads are now re-opened: 61st & Nelson Rd Eastbound 69th & St. Vrain Southbound 65th & Nelson Rd All remaining evacuation orders in this area are lifted. Crews are still working on scene, so please use caution when driving in the area. At this time no changes... read more →
The #RogersFire is currently contained. The #WagonwheelGapFire is NOT currently contained. Crews are still on-scene at both fire locations. Evacuations remain in place for #WagonWheelGapFire we hope to lift them soon and will update when we are able.
Mandatory evacuations have been lifted for #RogersFire w/ the exception of a couple of homes w/in active fire zone. Call 303-413-7730 for more information. Current road closures for #Rogers Fire: Nelson Rd from 51st to 63rd - both directions 49th/51st from Saint Vrain to Nelson - both directions.
A map of the wildfires and road closures is available at: http://boulder.maps.arcgis.com/apps/PublicInformation/index.html?appid=cd569c1a616f4b258681716bbe5418f0 This map will be updated throughout the day as needed.
Due to the #RogersFire and #WagonWheelGapFire the following roads are closed: 61st & Nelson - eastbound 69th & St. Vrain - southbound 65th & Nelson - northbound Lee Hill & WW Gap Bow Mtn & WW Gap Reminder: sign-up at boco911alert.com to receive messages about imminent threats & hazards by... read more →
Longmont Humane Society is acting as a small animal shelter for #RogersFire. Large animal shelter at Boulder County Fairgrounds. The Exhibit Building at the Boulder County Fairgrounds is also an evacuation point for people. Safety reminder: if you're near a wildfire, do NOT wait for reverse 9-1-1 notification from dispatch if... read more →
We are working two wild land fires in Boulder County. The #RogersFire, is a large grass fire near the 5000 block of Nelson Road. One hundred and twenty-five homes have been evacuated and 29 additional homes are in pre-evacuation mode. The second fire is the #WagonWheelGapFire which is on Wagon Wheel... read more →
NWS Boulder and Boulder OEM have been monitoring storm and flash flooding activity west of Boulder (Fourmile, Eldorado Springs, Sunshine Canyon, Boulder Canyon). Storms over areas west of Boulder and within Boulder Canyon have weakened, but flash flooding in Eldorado Springs, Sunshine Canyon, upper Mapleton, and Fourmile Canyon is still... read more →
While the Cold Springs Fire was declared fully "out" on Sunday, July 17, work continues at the Office of Emergency Management to analyze the response to the fire and to continually improve upon community outreach and communications during an emergency like the fire. Information that was posted here during the wildfire... read more →
The portable showers and community water totes, handwashing stations, and porta toilets delivered to the #ColdSpringsFire burn area to assist residents who returned home to no electricity and a lack of fresh water supplies have now served their purpose and appear to be no longer needed by local residents. The units will be picked up and... read more →