Horario de atención Para dejar donativos: El lunes, 10 de enero, a la 1 p.m., se recibirán cargamentos con donaciones. A partir del martes, 11 de enero, estará abierto diariamente, de 9 a.m. a 4 p.m., al público en general. Horas de distribución y servicios para damnificados: A partir del miércoles, 12 de enero, de 9 a.m. a 7 p.m. Dirección Flatirons Crossing Mall, espacio ocupado previamente por la tienda Nordstrom, 21 W Flatiron Crossing Drive, Broomfield, CO, entre las tiendas Macy’s y Dick’s Sporting Goods.... read more →
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CU Boulder and CIRES experts have compiled a resource of post-wildfire indoor air quality facts and solutions to mitigate smoke impacts in your home or business. If your home or business is still intact but was affected by smoke from the Marshall Fire, please refer to How to Mitigate Post-Fire... read more →
**The Boulder OEM blog is no longer active. Please go to www.boco.org/MarshallFire or www.boco.org/MarshallFireespañol for the most up-to-date information on donations.**
The Humane Society of Boulder Valley will host a community vigil for those impacted by Marshall fire Our hearts and hope are with the families who have been impacted by the Marshall and Middle Fork Fires and are missing their beloved pets. In an effort to bring some hope and... read more →
A county-wide virtual community meeting was held on January 6, 2022, and included breakout meetings for members of each community affected by the fire. You can view videos in English and Spanish here.
El Centro de Asistencia ante Desastres (DAC) está ubicado en 1755 South Public Road en Lafayette y está al servicio de todas las personas impactadas por el incendio Marshall los siete días de la semana, de 9 a.m. a 7 p.m. El Centro cuenta con todo lo que necesita en... read more →
Today, the Boulder County Coroner's Office identified one of the missing persons from the Marshall Fire. The Boulder Office of Disaster Management received the following statement from the family of Robert Sharpe today. We extend our deepest condolences to Mr. Sharpe's family and all those affected by his tragic loss.... read more →
BARHA ha compilado una lista completa de opciones para los desplazados por el incendio Marshall (Condado de Boulder, Colo.) El condado de Boulder se ha asociado con la Boulder Area Rental Housing Association (BARHA) para ayudar a garantizar que los residentes desplazados por el incendio Marshall tengan acceso a una... read more →
If you are adjacent to a fire affected area and have concerns about your water, or if your water smells like gasoline or plastic after completing flushing, please contact your utilities provider to request a test for drinking water at your property. If your home is located in a severely... read more →
Boulder County, Colo. - Boulder County has partnered with the Boulder Area Rental Housing Association (BARHA) to help ensure residents displaced by the Marshall Fire have access to a list of comprehensive housing resources as they navigate recovery following the disaster. These resources are available at marshallfirehousing.com. “It is an overwhelming experience... read more →