Please DO NOT enter the #MarshallFire evacuated areas (see map). It is still unsafe for residents to enter the area. Not only are there active hot spots, but there are also downed power lines and trees at risk of falling, a risk that will increase once the snow arrives. It's... read more →
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Boulder County's Office of Emergency Management will host a briefing for media at Boulder County Sheriff's Office, 5600 Flatiron Parkway, Boulder, on December 31 at 10 a.m. The briefing will be livestreamed for community members on the Boulder Office of Emergency Management's Facebook page. An American sign language interpreter will... read more →
If you are a resident who has evacuated or has property in an evacuation zone, please do NOT return to the area. We know that you are concerned about your home and your belongings. First responders are working non-stop to keep everyone safe, even as they don't know the status... read more →
The two fires, Middle Fork Fire and Marshall Fire, started in the late morning. The first fire, called the Middle Fork fire, was reported just before 10:30 a.m. near the intersection of North Foothills Hwy. and Middle Fork Road. Crews were able to contain the Middle Fork Fire later in... read more →
Updated Jan. 4, 2022: View all current Marshall Fire road closures, evacuation areas, shelter locations, trash dumpster locations and more on the Boulder Emergency Operations Center - Public Information Map. View public transportation information and more on the Marshall Fire-Related Transportation Resources webpage.
Overnight shelter will be available at each of the evacuation centers: North Boulder Recreation Center, Rocky Mountain Christian Church (9447 Niwot Rd.), and the YMCA in Lafayette. Cots are on their way and authorities are arranging for meals.
Boulder County Fairgrounds is at capacity for large animals. Please take animals in need of shelter from evacuation zones to Jefferson County Fairgrounds, 15200 W. 6th Ave., Golden, CO 80401.
Community Foundation Boulder County has set up the Boulder County Wildfire Fund for people wanting to donate in relation to the #MarshallFire and #MiddleForkFire to respond to immediate and long-term needs as they emerge:
Sheriff Joe Pelle held a news briefing on the #MarshallFire and #MiddleForkFire at 5 p.m. on Dec. 30
Boulder County Sheriff Joe Pelle held a news briefing on the #MarshallFire and #MiddleForkFire at 5 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 30 at the Sheriff's Office headquarters, 5600 Flatirons Pkwy., Boulder. The briefing was livestreamed on the Boulder County Facebook page.
Keep up with up-to-date road closures, evac areas, and other important information with the official Public Information Map at: