Updates from the Type 2 Incident Management Team Midday #CalWoodFire and #LefthandCanyonFire Update: Operations are going well on both the Lefthand Canyon and CalWood fires so far today. The cooler, more humid weather has lessened fire activity across both fires. On the Lefthand Canyon Fire, crews are mopping up the... read more →
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To aid in evacuations for the #EastTroublesomeFire we are closing Hwy 36 west from Apple Valley Road to Estes Park. Only access is for those evacuating. Hwy 7 is closed at the county line heading north. Our map at http://boco.org/OEMInfoMap will be updated shortly.
Lots of virtual and in-person collaboration at the BoulderOEM. Here's an inside look.
Due to the extreme fire danger and in accord with the United States Forest Service closure announcement, Boulder County Parks & Open Space have closed the following properties to public use until further notice: Anne U. White Bald Mountain Caribou Ranch Castle Rock climbing area Grassy Top Hall Ranch Heil Valley... read more →
Here are the updated numbers for the Calwood and Lefthand Canyon Fires: Lefthand Canyon Fire - 460 acres and 43% containment Calwood Fire - 10,073 acres and 24% containment Access to evacuated areas has not yet been granted. Please avoid the area until further notice. View the public information map,... read more →
Federal, county and city land public land agencies have implemented closures because of high fire risks and to also help first responders battle the #CalWoodFire and the #LefthandCanyonFire. Download the Boulder Area Trails app to view the status of trails in Boulder County. Please note that some federal properties may not be listed. During... read more →
After a successful day on the Lefthand Canyon Fire, it is now 460 acres and 43% contained. The majority of that containment is on the southern side of the fire area. CalWood Fire is 9,978 acres and 24% contained. Crews were active around the fire yesterday; with the assistance of... read more →
The public call center for #CalWoodFire and #LefthandCanyonFire will be open tomorrow morning (Thursday) at 9 a.m. and stay open until 6 p.m. Please call 303-413-7730 after 9 a.m. to reach the community call center.
The Boulder County Sheriff's Office is not conducting escorted (temporary) homeowner visits into the evacuated areas today (10/21), because of anticipated high wind weather today and resources being dedicated to evacuating Lyons Park Estates. We remain committed to allowing residents to make these home visits to get in and get... read more →
The Boulder County Sheriff's Office explains the reason for upgrading the Evacuation Warning to an Evacuation ORDER for the subdivision of Lyons Park Estates south of the #TownofLyons. The Town of Lyons is NOT under an Evacuation ORDER but it remains under an Evacuation Warning. #CalWoodFire https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bm7qO8ptRHg