On Tuesday, April 28 Jeff Zayach, Public Health Executive Director, Frank Alexander, Housing & Human Services Executive Director, Chris Urbina, Public Health Medical Officer, and Kate Haywood, Boulder County Attorney's Office, gave an update about the current state of COVID-19 in Boulder County and the decision to extend the state... read more →
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Rent and mortgage payments will be due for many on Friday, May 1. There are resources available to help those who may need assistance paying these bills due to economic hardship caused by the Coronavirus pandemic. Colorado Resources for Those Facing Eviction, Foreclosure, or Non-Payment of Utility Bills Spanish Somali... read more →
Here are a few key factors Boulder County Public Health (BCPH) considered in its decision to extend the stay at home order through May 8: Boulder County is seeing significant increases in positive cases in some of its Long-Term Care Facilities (LTCFs). This can put pressure on local hospitals, as... read more →
Earlier today, Boulder County Public Health extended Boulder County's Stay-at-Home order through May 8, with the exception of allowing retail curbside pickup beginning Monday, April 27. Due to the understandable confusion with different messaging occurring around the Denver metro area, we have extended our public call center to take calls... read more →
The statewide Stay-at-Home Order is set to expire on Sunday, April 26, and Governor Polis has directed local public health officials to implement data-informed strategies at the local level that best meets the needs of local communities. Along with other local public health agencies in the region, Boulder County Public... read more →
With limited exceptions buildings and facilities will remain closed to the public until June 1 in response to Colorado Gov. Jared Polis’ ‘Safer-at-Home’ order. Boulder County will keep its buildings closed to the public through May 31, with limited exceptions. Most City of Boulder buildings and facilities will remain closed... read more →
Increasing numbers of residents with COVID-19 illness may delay moving to next phase The statewide Stay-at-Home Order is set to expire on Sunday, April 26 and Governor Polis has directed local public health officials to implement data-informed strategies at the local level that best meets the needs of local communities.... read more →
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) released a new public health order ordering workers in critical businesses and critical government functions to wear non-medical masks and gloves while at work to protect the health and welfare of the public. Public Health Order 20 26 requires that workers... read more →
Survivors of domestic violence can leave their homes in order to call, text or chat for support, or to find temporary safe housing. “The health and safety of Coloradans is our top priority, and everyone who needs to leave their home to stay safe can and should do so. That... read more →
Safer at Home: Be Smart, Save Lives In the midst of this global pandemic, Coloradans have big questions. What comes next? When will we see some of these restrictions relax? What will Colorado be like in the months ahead as we will live with this virus? Will it really last... read more →