The Emergency Operations Center is shutting down at the end of the debate. Good night.
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We have activated our Emergency Operations Center to help support the University of Colorado - Boulder, as needed, for the GOP Debate.
Boulder County Parks and Open Space and the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office Wildland Fire Management Program will begin the Overlook prescribed burn at Heil Valley Ranch today, October 28. Smoke will be visible in the area west of North Foothills Highway in between Lefthand Canyon and Lyons. The 22-acre burn... read more →
The City of Boulder’s Open Space and Mountain Parks (OSMP) Department and Boulder Fire-Rescue are planning to conduct an 85-acre prescribed burn to reduce the fire danger for south Boulder residents and to improve the health of city open space forests. Depending on weather and environmental conditions, Boulder residents and... read more →
The National Weather Service has issued a tornado watch for 15 counties, including Boulder County, in effect until 11:00PM tonight. The watch is active, but there is currently no serious threat to our County or the City of Boulder. Minor street and small stream flooding is also possible in parts of... read more →
The Boulder Office of Emergency Management in collaboration with the City of Boulder Police & Fire Dispatch Center and the Boulder County Sheriff’s Communications Center are testing the outdoor warning siren system today at 10 a.m. and again at 7 p.m. The test is held on the first Monday of... read more →
The severe weather threat for Boulder County has passed and only very light rain showers are in the forecast for the rest of the night. Boulder OEM is no longer monitoring weather.
Light Storm development has increased over Eastern Boulder County delivering 4/10 ths of rain per hour. No risk at this time and the storm action appears to be moving to the south and building to the East. The storm could be over Lafayette and Louisville within 45-60 minutes. Boulder OEM... read more →
The storm activity currently is isolated to the northern foothills around Lyons and producing .04/10 of an inch which is very light. Storm development to the west and south of Boulder County is light to non-existent at this time. Light storm development is still north of the county but it... read more →
Currently the heaviest rainfall is occurring on the plains over west Longmont, Hygiene and in the foothills around Lefthand Canyon at a rate of around 1/2 inch per hour. All creeks and rivers are holding with in acceptable flows. No reports of flooding due to river or creeks flowing out... read more →