The Bridge House will be extending their Saturday lunch hours for homeless today at the First Presbyterian Church Street Annex located at 1603 Walnut until 4:00 p.m. They will be providing bus tokens to the warming center located at the Seventh Day Baptist Church located at 6710 Arapahoe Rd. Saturday... read more →
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Chief Gibson is urging people in the Fourmile Canyon area to use caution on low laying roads and around culverts as they may be flooded.
OEM staff worked through the night to correct our website's problems. It's still not 100% reliable, but it's better than it was. Please keep refreshing your browser to see posts. We apologize for this ill-timed inconvenience. It's not our website itself it's the service provider, which makes us frustrated, too.... read more →
The National Weather Service has issues a Flash Flood Watch for Boulder County. This includes the City of Boulder and Boulder County. Forecast rainfall: Heavy rainfall of 0.40" to 1.20" in 10-30 minutes will be possible with individual thunderstorm cells today. Heavy rainfall of up to 1.60" in 60-90 minutes... read more →
The OEM is staffed and will continue to monitor weather, road, and creek conditions throughout the day. Heavy rain expected. Please follow all flash flood warnings. If you're part of the CU graduation commencement activities, you may want to sign up for any campus emergency notifications at: #COwx #COFlood
Remember, no amount of water is safe to drive through. Just a few inches of moving water can pick up and carry a vehicle. Even standing water can hide washed out roadways and deep holes beneath the water's surface. Play it safe and avoid driving in flood waters. XcelEnergy has... read more →
This website is experiencing some technical difficulties. If you receive an error, please try refreshing a few times or wait a few minutes and refresh again. We have paged our IT support to try to fix this problem as soon as possible. We will continue to post here. We'll also... read more →
National Weather Service has issued an AREAL FLOOD WARNING. It's important to understand this type of flooding is different that the fast-moving flash floods. Areal flooding is in a large area and occurs when the ground is saturated and can no longer hold the rainfall. It's slow developing and will... read more →
The Boulder OEM will be monitoring the weather all day and through the weekend. The current forecast is calling for widespread rain with a few embedded thunderstorms today. Rivers, creeks and streams will be running high through the weekend from the week’s rains. Boulder Creek and St. Vrain Creek are... read more →