Stage 1 fire restrictions in western Boulder County. Fire restrictions rescinded in eastern Boulder County.

Emergency Status
Jul 13

Safety updates for returning residents

Emergency responders have been making every effort to deal with hazardous tree situations in the burn area. Given that it remains an active fire area, only immediate safety issues are being addressed. Please note that once firefighters have left, you may encounter burned trees which can be dangerous. Please avoid anything that looks unsafe and we will provide additional information soon.

Be extremely cautious of burning stump holes. Due to the danger of manually extinguishing them, firefighters have generally not been overhauling stump holes unless they are near a structure. Stump holes will be left to burn out by themselves. It is highly unlikely that stump holes will restart a fire.

For returning residents without phone service, emergency phones are available at 1530 Ridge Road and 3151 Ridge Road. These are available in case people in the area without phone service need to make emergency calls. Currently the phones are flagged with tape and we expect bigger signage soon. For any landline phones in this area that are not working, please contact Century Link at 303-457-1881 to have your phone calls forwarded to another number.

For re-entering residents, if you notice damage to any structures on your property, please contact Boulder County Land Use at 303-441-3930.