Stage 1 fire restrictions, enacted for unincorporated areas of western Boulder County.

Emergency Status
Apr 23

State releases public health order requiring critical business employees to wear masks

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) released a new public health order ordering workers in critical businesses and critical government functions to wear non-medical masks and gloves while at work to protect the health and welfare of the public.

Public Health Order 20 26 requires that workers in these businesses who have close contact (within six feet) with other employees or the public wear cloth masks while working. It also orders these workers to wear gloves if they are in close contact with customers. The public health order encourages employers to provide masks and gloves for their employees.

The critical businesses impacted by this public health order include banks, child care facilities, pharmacies, and grocery stores. They are defined in Public Health Order 20 24 and listed on the COVID-19 website at

The main reason to wear a non-medical mask is to protect others. Data show that some people may spread COVID-19 when they do not have symptoms. People may spread the disease when speaking, coughing or sneezing — especially in situations where a physical distance of six feet cannot be maintained.

Colorado is asking everyone to wear a non-medical cloth face covering while out in public. You can make or buy a covering that will cover your mouth and nose and use it whenever you are outside your house and yard.

This public health order will remain in place until May 17 unless it’s extended, amended, or rescinded.