Stage 1 fire restrictions in western Boulder County. Fire restrictions rescinded in eastern Boulder County.

Emergency Status
Aug 02

Water and wastewater systems after a fire

When returning to your property after a fire, take these steps to ensure your water and wastewater systems are safe to use.

If your drinking water comes from a well:
* Have your well water analyzed to ensure it is not contaminated; power outages can cause pressure loss that allows contamination to enter your water.
* Do not use water from your well to drink, cook or brush your teeth until you receive the test results. You can learn more about water testing at
* If your well mouth is damaged, hire a professional water restoration service provider.

If your property has a septic system:
* Inspect your septic system for signs of melted pipes, vehicle traffic, or burns and consider having a septic system professional perform an inspection.
* Plans and registrations are available at

Safe drinking water:
* If you have doubts about the safety of your water, use bottled water for drinking, cooking or brushing your teeth.

For more information, visit

For more information, including maps, please visit: