Amended fire restrictions: Stage 1 fire restrictions in western Boulder County. Fire restrictions rescinded in eastern Boulder County.

Emergency Status
Jul 16

Cold Springs Fire Update – Saturday, July 16th, 7 p.m.

Boulder County Type 3 Incident Management Team
Fire Information: 303-441-4444
Twitter: #ColdSpringsFire

Saturday, July 16, 2016
7:00 PM
Information Hours: 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Cold Springs Fire Update

Suppression related activities on the Cold Spring Fire are winding down. Today crews and engines worked in the burn area assisting local residents, hot spotting where necessary, and improving containment lines where necessary. No aviation resources were utilized today. Firefighters will continue to patrol the burn area along with law enforcement, which will also patrol communities surrounding the Cold Springs Fire. Area residents should call 911 if they see anything concerning. Emergency phones have been installed at 1530 and 3151 Ridge Road and are flagged and signed to aid identification. The Cold Springs Fire was 100% contained on July 14, 2016 after burning 528 acres and destroying eight structures and numerous outbuildings.

At 12:00 am on July 17, 2016 the Boulder County Type 3 Incident Management Team will transfer command of the Cold Springs Fire to a local Type 4 organization. This will be the last media update for the Cold Springs Fire unless there is significant activity.

A Level 1 burn ban is in place in Boulder County including the Town of Nederland, Colorado. This ban includes any outdoor fires such as campfires and warming fires and forest slash piles. The discharge of fireworks is included in this ban.

Campfire and sports shooting restrictions are still in place on the Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests and will remain in place until, working in close coordination, the Boulder County Sheriff and the Forest Supervisor determine it is appropriate to lift them. For more information these restrictions, and to find places to recreate on the National Forest, please visit

Residents returning to the Cold Springs Fire area should expect to encounter a variety of hazards that include fire-weakened trees, blowing ash, stump holes, and smoke over the next few weeks within the fire perimeter. Homeowners are encouraged to visit or for recovery-related information.

The Town of Nederland is open and area businesses are ready to assist visitors and recreationists alike. Barker and Gross reservoirs are open for recreational activities. Visit for information regarding events and area activities.
