Stage 1 fire restrictions in western Boulder County. Fire restrictions rescinded in eastern Boulder County.

Emergency Status
Jul 15

Disaster Assistance Center moving to Nederland Community Center on Monday

The Boulder County Disaster Assistance Center in Nederland will move to the Nederland Community Center at 750 Highway 72 North on Monday, July 18, and operate from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. through at least Wednesday, July 20. The DAC will be closed Saturday and Sunday, July 16 and 17.

At the Boulder County Disaster Assistance Center, fire-impacted residents have access to help with food replacement, temporary housing, transportation assistance (including bus passes), and public supports such as health coverage and SNAP (food assistance). Information is also available about food safety and water testing, septic and well issues, fire retardant (slurry) cleanup, debris removal, rebuilding, and more.

In addition to support provided at the Boulder County Disaster Assistance Center in Nederland, those impacted or displaced by the Cold Springs Fire can also:

First located at the Nederland High School, the DAC has already served dozens of households impacted by the Cold Springs Fire. As residents settle back into their homes, it is likely some of them will continue to need supports and information provided at the DAC.