If you need assistance getting a replacement or temporary Medicare or temporary drug plan card, you can gather the information below and send to medicarecounseling@bouldercounty.org or call BOCO SHIP at 303-441-1546 and leave a message for us to call them back. Here is the information needed to obtain a temporary... read more →
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Actualización del incendio Marshall Miércoles 5 de enero de 2022 – 6:00 p.m. Equipo de Manejo de Incidentes Tipo 1 de las Montañas Rocosas Dan Dallas, Comandante de Incidentes Información especial de seguridad: Existen estructuras dañadas o destruidas en toda la zona afectada. El personal de respuesta a emergencias continúa... read more →
The Disaster Assistance Center (DAC) is located at 1755 South Public Road in Lafayette and is open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. seven days a week. This is a one-stop-shop for anyone impacted in any way by the Marshall fire and we encourage you to stop in when you're... read more →
We understand! We know you're anxious to get started with clean-up and recovery efforts. We are expecting more detailed information about the federal debris management program soon, but in the meantime please make sure you are aware of and following the guidance we posted yesterday. Most importantly, we want to... read more →
20th Judicial District, District Attorney’s Office, Community Protection Division Distrito Judicial 20, Oficina del Fiscal de Distrito, División de Protección Comunitaria Puntos a tener en cuenta Las situaciones y momentos de estrés que una persona pueda estar atravesando, son ideales para que estafadores saquen provecho. Tenga presente que agencias gubernamentales... read more →
Marshall Fire Update Thursday, January 6, 2022 – 6:00 p.m. Rocky Mountain Type 1 Incident Management Team Dan Dallas, Incident Commander Special Safety Information: Damaged or destroyed structures exist throughout the affected area. As residents return to homes, trees and some structures may be unstable and pose a hazard for those working and living in affected areas. Please be cautious of surroundings as... read more →
On January 6, 2022, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) rescinded boil water advisories for: Town of Superior City of Louisville Sans Souci View the Notice from CDPHE here or at: https://bit.ly/3pXwe27. Now that the boil water notice is lifted, there are a few things you need to... read more →
Countywide Damage Assessment Map is now available Boulder County, Colo. - A joint damage assessment effort led by the Boulder Office of Disaster Management (ODM) has followed the Marshall Fire over the last several days. Building officials, inspectors, Boulder County Assessor, and staff from all over the Front Range and Metro areas united in an unprecedented effort to conduct detailed inspections of all damage and debris in the fire... read more →
Boulder County, Colo. - Boulder County Office of Emergency Management (OEM) would like to share more information about the emergency notification system used for alerting community members in Boulder County. To address the many questions received by the public and the media during the Marshall Fire, Boulder OEM put together an... read more →
The Colorado Division of Motor Vehicles will have a mobile unit to issue replacement driver licenses and state IDs to fire victims at the Disaster Assistance Center every day from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. (note different hours) beginning Friday, January 7 through Sunday, January 16. Additionally, the Boulder County... read more →