Large trash receptacles for anyone impacted by the fire have been placed in two locations so far: West side of the intersection of Eldorado Springs Drive/Marshall Road Camden Interlocken Apartments, across from the outdoor community pool (please do not use apartment complex's regular trash areas) - 705 Eldorado Blvd. Broomfield,... read more →
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ALERTA Se ha entregado un nuevo envió de calentadores eléctricos en el YMCA de Lafayette. ¡Nosotros apreciamos su paciencia! Estos calentadores están disponibles de forma gratuita para las personas que tienen electricidad, pero no calefacción a gas.
Beginning on January 1, 2022 at 1 p.m., all areas currently under pre-evacuation have been lifted in the City of Louisville. Some residents within the Marshall Fire area in Louisville will be allowed to return to their homes. There are no changes to evacuation status in the Town of Superior... read more →
Boulder County, Colo. - Damage assessment teams have compiled a preliminary list* of structures destroyed or damaged in the Marshall Fire. It is anticipated that more structures may be added to this list as more detailed damage assessment is completed and teams inspect additional areas impacted by the fire. Sheriff’s investigators are working... read more →
A new shipment of heaters has been delivered at the YMCA in Lafayette. We appreciate your patience! These heaters are available for free for individuals who have electricity but no gas heat.
CORRECTED INFO: We erroneously said two deaths were reported yesterday. These two individuals were reported missing, but were located and are safe. We apologize for our error. There are, however, still three people missing: two from Superior and one from the Marshall area. No one is missing from Louisville. The... read more →
Sheriff Joe Pelle said the investigation into origin and cause of the devastating Marshall Fire is active and continuing. As of last night, no downed power lines had been located in the area. There were some downed telecommunication lines, but these are not likely to have started the blaze. The... read more →
Boulder County Sheriff Joe Pelle will hold daily 2 p.m. news briefings for the foreseeable future. Location is the Boulder County Sheriff's Headquarters (in-person for news media only). The news briefings will be livestreamed for the public via the Boulder OEM Facebook page, and posted to YouTube for closed caption viewing... read more →
Sheriff Joe Pelle has updated the latest damage assessment numbers related to the Marshall Fire. Total numbers are 991 structures destroyed and 127 damaged. Here are the local breakdowns: Louisville: Destroyed - 553 Damaged - 45 Superior: Destroyed - 332 Damaged - 60 Unincorporated Boulder County: Destroyed: 106 Damaged: 22
We are understandably receiving a large number of inquiries about what individuals who have lost everything in fire should be thinking about and doing in this immediate aftermath. FEMA has terrific information for this at