These restrictions apply to the unincorporated mountain areas of Boulder County and are being enacted while firefighting and law enforcement resources are limited due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Board of County Commissioners has enacted Level 1 Fire Restrictions, effective immediately, for the unincorporated areas of western Boulder County. While... read more →
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While our community continues to take important and necessary precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19, some community members are at greater risk due to stay-at-home orders and social distancing measures now in place. Due to isolation and economic uncertainty that exist because of the pandemic, underlying stressors leading to... read more →
Staying at home is the best thing you can do during these trying times to help slow the spread of coronavirus, but you can also help others from the comfort of your own home while you help yourself. Help Colorado Now is a great place to find information on how... read more →
We have been hearing from some renters in our community that they have been approached by landlords or other property owners about being evicted during this pandemic. Evictions are currently on hold throughout the state (unless an eviction is required to protect health and safety). These graphics below show the... read more →
During his address to Coloradans on Monday, April 6, Gov. Jared Polis said, "I’m more and more hopeful that Colorado’s stay-at-home can finally end on April 26, 2020, several days before the national goal of April 30. It is important that you stay home whenever possible to stop the spread... read more →
The State of Colorado's Stay-at-Home order lists construction as an essential activity during this months-long social distancing/quarantine period. However, not all construction is created equal and if projects can wait, they should. In particular, the Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment has released these guidelines to address constructions... read more →
For some helpful tips on how to make and wear homemade face coverings (aka, masks) to help slow the spread of COVID-19 when you must venture outside your home, check out the CDC's webpage on Use of Cloth Face Coverings to Help Slow the Spread of COVID-19:
Boulder County, City of Boulder, Layfette, and Lyons will begin audible testing of the countywide emergency sirens at 10 a.m. on Monday, April 6. The test is the first of the monthly emergency audible siren tests, which take place each year on the first Monday of each month from April... read more →
Boulder County Public Health was notified today that a resident of a Boulder County long-term care facility in their 90s who had tested positive for COVID-19 has died. The individual is the third Boulder County resident with confirmed COVID-19 to die from complications caused by the virus; and the first... read more →
On Friday, April 3, Governor Polis announced the Colorado Mask Campaign encouraging Coloradans to wear non-medical cloth face coverings when leaving the home for essential business. Below are some important facts from the state about this new request of Coloradans. Remember - surgical and N95 masks should be reserved for... read more →