For updates on the Dakota Ridge Fire burning in Larimer County please refer to the Larimer Office of Emergency Management's website at or on social media by following @LarimerSheriff on Twitter or the Larimer County Sheriff's Office on Facebook. There is no threat to Boulder County at this time.
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NWS Boulder and Boulder OEM have been monitoring storm and flash flooding activity west of Boulder (Fourmile, Eldorado Springs, Sunshine Canyon, Boulder Canyon). Storms over areas west of Boulder and within Boulder Canyon have weakened, but flash flooding in Eldorado Springs, Sunshine Canyon, upper Mapleton, and Fourmile Canyon is still... read more →
While the Cold Springs Fire was declared fully "out" on Sunday, July 17, work continues at the Office of Emergency Management to analyze the response to the fire and to continually improve upon community outreach and communications during an emergency like the fire. Information that was posted here during the wildfire... read more →
The portable showers and community water totes, handwashing stations, and porta toilets delivered to the #ColdSpringsFire burn area to assist residents who returned home to no electricity and a lack of fresh water supplies have now served their purpose and appear to be no longer needed by local residents. The units will be picked up and... read more →
Services will continue to be available to households impacted by the Cold Springs Fire. The Boulder County Disaster Assistance Center in Nederland will continue to operate at the Nederland Community Center (750 Highway 72 North) through tomorrow, Wednesday, July 20 (10 a.m. – 4 p.m.). Operations will end at this location... read more →
Boulder County Type 3 Incident Management Team Fire Information: 303-441-4444 Email: Website: Twitter: #ColdSpringsFire Saturday, July 16, 2016 7:00 PM Information Hours: 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Cold Springs Fire Update Suppression related activities on the Cold Spring Fire are winding down. Today crews and engines worked... read more →
Saturday, July 16, 2016 10 a.m. Cold Springs Fire – Public Announcement For those needing to remove fire suppressant (retardant) from automobiles, propane tanks, wood siding, and other surfaces, it is important to not use bleach. Chemicals in the retardant react negatively when exposed to bleach and may produce a... read more →
Boulder County Type 3 Incident Management Team Fire Information: 303-441-4444 Email: Website: Twitter: #ColdSpringsFire Friday, July 15, 2016 8:00 PM Information Hours: 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Cold Springs Fire Update Firefighters continued to work in the area of the Cold Springs Fire today. Crews supported by... read more →
We are grateful that people want to help the fire victims and the Nederland community recover from the Cold Springs Fire. The response of the entire mountain community around Nederland has been a model of coordination, neighborliness, and partnership. At this time, we do NOT have a need for volunteers... read more →
The Boulder County Disaster Assistance Center in Nederland will move to the Nederland Community Center at 750 Highway 72 North on Monday, July 18, and operate from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. through at least Wednesday, July 20. The DAC will be closed Saturday and Sunday, July 16 and 17. At... read more →