Amended fire restrictions: Stage 1 fire restrictions in western Boulder County. Fire restrictions rescinded in eastern Boulder County.

Emergency Status
Jun 11

Boulder OEM monitoring storm activity along the Northern Front Range

As of 4 p.m. MDT – Creek levels and flows are up all around Boulder County due to recent rains. The Boulder OEM will continue monitoring conditions for any flooding risks or threats.

Forecasts can change on a moment’s notice. Stayed tuned to the National Weather Service for current conditions. Please report any significant flooding events in unincorporated Boulder County (water over-topping roads, spilling out of stream banks, etc.) to Boulder County Sheriff’s dispatch (303-441-4444) or your local Fire Protection District. Be prepared to evacuate to higher ground if you’re in an area prone to areal flooding (from the ground up) or flash flooding. Call 9-1-1 if you’re in a life threatening situation.

If your home or property in unincorporated Boulder County is damaged by severe weather, contact the Boulder County Flood Rebuilding & Permit Information Center at 303-441-1705 or email to report or ask questions about damage to your property (repair or other). (Non-emergency only.)

See more Flood Ready tips below.