The evacuation site at the LifeBridge Christian Church is closed for the evening due low use. However, if you need assistance with sheltering, Red Cross volunteers remain on standby. You can reach them at: 970-261-6282.
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A map showing evacuation orders (mandatory evacuation) and evacuation warnings (voluntary evacuation) and road closures can be found at:
There is an evacuation site at the Lifebridge Church, 10345 Ute Hwy, Longmont. A large animal evacuation shelter is available at the Boulder County Fairgrounds, 9595 Nelson Road, Longmont. They will accept animals until 10:00 p.m. If you need assistance with animal evacuations, please contact the Boulder County Sheriff's Office... read more →
This is the Boulder County Sheriff's Office Emergency Notification System. At 20:26:16 on 04-15-2022, an Evacuation Warning has been issued for the area(s) of Stone Canyon, Eagle Ridge, and Steamboat Valley, north to the Larimer County line due to a Fire. Take the following protective actions: Prepare to evacuate, if... read more →
Do you know the difference between an Evacuation Warning and an Evacuation Order? An Evacuation Warning means: Start taking action to be ready to evacuate. If you need extra time to evacuate (mobility issues, pets, large animals, etc.) start taking steps now to evacuate. An Evacuation Order means: Leave immediately.... read more →
The 37E Fire in Larimer County has caused the road closure of 71 N (Blue Mountain Road) at the intersection of Hwy. 36 and N. 53rd Street, at the intersection of Hwy 66.
There is a wildfire in Larimer County, that has been named the 37E Fire. The fire is in the Blue Mountain area, north of the Town of Lyons. Evacuation orders have been issued by the Larimer County Sheriff's Office in Larimer County. Right now there are sections of roads that... read more →
The active fire has been put out. Firefighters are working to ensure the perimeter around the fire is safe and will be putting water on hot spots. #NorthShanahanRidgeFire
We are aware of a new fire start south of the NCAR fire burn area near the north fork of the Shanahan trailhead. A PIO is enroute. Trails in area are being closed immediately. If you are hiking or recreating on Shanahan Ridge south of Boulder please leave the area... read more →
Due to the recent wildfires and community impacts, the audible testing of outdoor warning sirens will be postponed by one month. The outdoor emergency sirens system warns community members about weather related emergencies, and depending on programming, hazardous materials and wildfires. Sirens are meant to reach people that are outside,... read more →