Updated re-entry information for evacuated Marshall Fire Residents – 6 p.m. Jan. 3, 2022 Beginning on January 3, 2022 at 6 p.n., additional residents within the Marshall Fire area will be allowed to return to their homes under a soft closure. The following areas are included in this soft closure:... read more →
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Marshal Fire News Briefing for Jan. 3, 2022, at 2 p.m. View the video of the briefing. Governor Jared Polis, Boulder County Sheriff Joe Pelle, Commissioner Matt Jones, City of Louisville Police Chief Dave Hayes, Colorado Xcel President Alice Jackson, and Garry Sanfacon, Boulder County Disaster Assistance Manager attended to... read more →
Xcel Energy shared the following additional updates today: Crews continue to make repairs to the natural gas system in the Superior and Louisville area, including portions of Boulder and Broomfield, and natural gas has been reintroduced to the majority of the system. Relights of pilot lights for customers’ appliances at... read more →
Restauración de gas y electricidad; reemplazo de detectores de humo y de monóxido de carbono; calentadores eléctricos disponibles para clientes afectados A partir de las 3:20 PM, el lunes, 400 clientes de Xcel Energy, afectados por el incendio, todavía no tienen servicio eléctrico. Xcel estima que la electricidad no se le pueda restablecer a esos clientes, sin embargo, están evaluando cada caso de manera individual. Xcel está trabajando casa por casa, negocio por... read more →
Boulder County’s Office of Emergency Management will hold a press briefing in-person at the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office at 5600 Flatiron Parkway, Boulder at 2 p.m. on January 3. 2022. The briefing will be livestreamed for community members on the Boulder County Emergency Management’s Facebook Page (facebook.com/BoulderOEM). An American sign... read more →
Boulder County will be staging open top dumpsters between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. today, Monday, Jan. 3 for the disposal of spoiled food and water-damaged household items for residents affected by the Marshall Fire. These dumpsters will be dedicated for the collection and disposal of spoiled food and water-damaged... read more →
Please be patient if you are calling the call center. The call center hours are 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. We are now open and trying to answer your calls as quickly as possible.
The City of Louisville will be distributing free bottled water today (Monday). Water sites with free water distribution will continue to be available at the Louisville Public Library and the Louisville Recreation & Senior Center daily until potable water is restored. Louisville Recreation & Senior Center (900 W Via Appia) Open... read more →
Below is a Marshall Fire summary from the Incident Management Team for Jan. 2, 2022 Rocky Mountain Type 1 Incident Management Team Dan Dallas, Incident Commander Special Safety Information: As assessments are completed, the evacuation status of an area will be updated to allow residents to return home. Only residents... read more →
Beginning on January 2, 2022 at 6 p.m., the following areas will be moved to a soft closure: Creekside, Circle Park, and The Ridge. This includes the area from the intersection of Rock Creek Pkwy and McCaslin Blvd south to Coalton Road and east to the intersection with Coalton Road... read more →