Beginning tonight around 8 p.m., Boulder Canyon (Highway 119) will reopen in both directions. Because fire suppression activities will be continuing in the days ahead, motorists and those involved in recreational activities in the area should exercise caution when in Boulder Canyon between mile markers 28.5 and 30. All remaining... read more →
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Residents impacted by the Cold Springs Fire are encouraged to check-in to the DAC with any fire-related recovery assistance needs. The Boulder County Housing and Human Services, Land Use, and Community Services departments along with Boulder County Public Health are operating a Disaster Assistance Center at Nederland High School (597... read more →
Sheriff Pelle gave another update at a 5 p.m. media briefing this evening. Some of the highlights are as follows: 80% containment on the fire as of this evening; 100% containment expected by tomorrow at the end of dayshift operations. No growth in the fire and mop-up operations continue. Boulder... read more →
The Nederland Transfer Station is open for all spoiled food, trash and recycling drop-off, and the Community Forestry Sort Yard is open and accessible to the public. For information for what can be dropped off at the Nederland Transfer Station, click here For information for what can be dropped... read more →
There have been questions about cleaning the fire retardant off of structures. Below are some tips (if you watched the 1 p.m. meeting you will see that the Sheriff's thoughts on power washing won't be a great idea!) • The red color of retardants comes from iron oxide (rust), which... read more →
At this time, it's our understanding that the Nederland Transfer Station is open for all trash and recycling drop-off, but the Community Forestry Sort Yard is still blocked with Law Enforcement and/or Firefighting equipment. As soon as we can confirm that the sort yard is accessible to the public, we will... read more →
Homeowners and residents who live on Timberline Road, Horseshoe Trail, Tungsten Road, Switzerland Trail off Boulder Canyon (near Horseshoe Trail), west along Ridge Road from the zero to 1100 block (generally west of Hurricane Hill) and Boulder Canyon between Nederland town limits and Hurricane Hill will be allowed to permanently... read more →
Emergency responders have been making every effort to deal with hazardous tree situations in the burn area. Given that it remains an active fire area, only immediate safety issues are being addressed. Please note that once firefighters have left, you may encounter burned trees which can be dangerous. Please avoid... read more →
Rocky Mountain Incident Management 2 Team Black Public Information Call Center: 303-413-7730 (will close Call Center at 5 p.m. tonight and remain closed) Email: Website: Twitter: #ColdSpringsFire A Fire... read more →
A Nederland community meeting is scheduled for 1 p.m. today at Nederland High School (597 Eldora Rd). We will provide another Facebook Live recording of the meeting (, but if you are able to attend the meeting in person you will be guaranteed to get the latest information from the Boulder... read more →